Tuesday, September 8, 2009

some serious thinking

Back again though late but again continuing the serious issue with the same seriousness i left before........
The issue was that whether we should have that deal or not.......
before coming to any of the views i would like to discuss again a serious issue.....that starts with a question..........we as i m an engineer would like to be placed in a highly reputed MNC and get a handsome package and spend my life somewhere abroad and settle there with no tensions of future?;;;;;;.......
I think about 90% of us would have such a dream ................
now i ask is there sum who would like to render their service to the nation itself knowing that they are not going to get wat they could have got in US or somewhere else abroad?????.................
I think there would be only a few that would have a feeble yes but that too will turn in to a no when the time comes....
so you all must be in a hectic situation Why is this question being put forward...the reason is if we would have a Feeling of real "PATRIOTISM" then the picture would have been much different what it is now!.......
Have any of the NRI's ever thought that he has developed and learned new skills in us now he must leave to his native land and render his services to the nation so that we could also develop...Why we after studying in India work for others for their advancement???? a big Question mark ...for the simple reason to earn more......
we know about 30% of Microsoft employees are Indians........one-third of NASA scientists are from india itself........These are a few areas but we can find Indians in others as well quite contented at their position....but let me ask them have they worked for India then would this US could ask their home country "THE GREAT INDIA" to sign a nuclear deal for those nuclear technologies being developed by their own "INTELLECTUAL but GREEDY" brains..........Answer is perhaps a no.......and i say never.....
The solution to this i thought that those students that are being provided aid by our government to study an d reach a level to gain knowledge.As an example to give we have Indian government providing aids to all IIT's(Indian Institute Of technology),our governments spends so much on every iitian but what we get in return is almost 90% of those serving for the MNC's abroad.....
Is that the cause our government was serving them....????
If our teachers are providing them the knowledge and our country is providing them the aids then why should we get benefits from them?.......
SOOO we must have a strict rule that every student completing his education in India must have to serve his or her nation for at least 3 years then he may go abroad if likes to....our government will also pay them handsome salaries....our authorities must have to think over the point and take immediate steps......Are we not sufficient enough to develop laboratories like NASA in India itself when we have our men working there?...so we must work harder and harder for the cause and we firmly believe"Where there is the will there is the way"......................

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